ALPHA tables are the two big executive meeting tables in the marquee. They are approx. 12' x 6' and are smooth and flat. You will note that they are not available on the booking page: this is because they are typically prioritised for large participation games and so their bookings are handled manually. If there is no demand for these, they will be added to the booking site.

If you want to host a large participation game on one of these tables, please email admin@bringoutyourlead.co.uk.

These are 6' x 6' modular tables (each consisting of 2 6' x 2 sections). There are three BRAVO tables and they can actually be connected to make a single 6' x 18' table at other Foundry Events. We don't allow this configuration at BOYL because of the space demands, but Foundry will happily host large games if asked.

Unlike the other tables, these tables are moulded and textured - you will be unable to put large flat pieces of scenery or table boards on these tables!

These are your classic gaming 6' x 4' tables. We have five CHARLIE tables available. These tables are flexible, in that they have pre-textured tiles (6 2' x 2' each), but the tiles can be removed to access a flat, smooth surface beneath. Note these tables are lipped to hold the tiles, so if you do plan to bring any custom scenery, it cannot exceed 6' x 4' (well, not in an aesthetically pleasing fashion, at ay rate).

These are 6' x 3' collapsable tables, intended to be used for smaller games like Bloodbowl or the various flavours of dungeon crawl. There are three DELTA tables avaiable. Depending on demand, we are able to allow two DELTA tables to be booked to form another 6' x 6' table -  but note that we reserve the right to revoke these bookings if demand is high. These tables have a smooth, flat surface.

We have two 5' x 4' tables available, which are ideal for slightly smaller wargames. These have smooth, flat surfaces.

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